

A logo needs to be straightforward to understand. Everything matters while creating a logo, from using colours, metaphors, and graphics to selecting typography, because it communicates so much about your brand’s tone of voice and behaviour. A logo must stand out and be up-to-date with the market trends because the brand should not look outdated, so we tried to give a simple yet easy-to-understand design. We took our hundred per cent in making it because we believe that a logo is a company’s investment for the long term.


Creating a brand-new logo

A logo can speak so much about your brand; in the sea of endless brand wars, logos and your brand tone make you stand out. An unforgettable logo should refer to a specific visual emanation that your brand will develop. In the case of ARJ Sons LLC, we presented an abstract mark logo in the shape of a triangle by using the three letters A, R and J to make a triangle shape. The upwards side of the triangle represents the stability and power the brand carries; the logo defines whom you will serve and yells out to your customers about your company without using words.

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